Annesha Foundation (AF) [ ]

ADA, Appui au Developpment Autonome a.s.b.l [ ]

ASA [ ]

BRAC [ ]

Bangladesh Association For Social Advancement []

Bangladesh Extension Education Services [ ]

Calmeadow [ ]

China Association of Microfinance (CAM) [ ]

Canadian Feed The Children [ ]

China Association for NGO Cooperation, (CANGO) [ ]

Christian Children’s Fund [ ]

Développement international Desjardins [ ]

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FINCA International [ ]

FONKOZE, Fondasyon Kole Zepòl [ ]

Freedom from Hunger [ ]

Grameen Bank [ ]

Grameen Foundation USA [ ]

Grameen Trust [ ]

HELP International [ ]

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Mercy Corps International [ ]

Mercy Ministries International/Youth With A Mission [ ]

Micro-Business U.S.A. [ ]

FINCA International [ ]

FONKOZE, Fondasyon Kole Zepòl [ ]

Freedom from Hunger [ ]

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Empty tab. Edit page to add content here.

Opportunity International-UK [ ]

Opportunity International-US [ ]

Opportunity International Network [ ]

Pact [ ]

Pact Publications [ ]

PKSF [ ]


Pro Mujer [ ]

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Empty tab. Edit page to add content here.

Self Employed Women’s Association [ ]

South Pacific Business Development Foundation [ ]

Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women [ ]

Thengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha (TMSS) [ ]

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Empty tab. Edit page to add content here.

Washington CASH [ ]

Women’s Opportunity Fund [ ]

Women’s World Banking [ ]

Working Capital Florida [ ]

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Empty tab. Edit page to add content here.
Empty tab. Edit page to add content here.

The Asian Development Bank [ ]

Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC) [ ]

Business Angels Australia [ ]

Canadian Gateway to Microfinance [ ]

Calvert Social Investment Foundation [ ]

Commission of the European Community DGVIII – Development [ ]

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP) [ ]

Development Cooperation Division of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade ]

EarthAction [ ]


FEMAP (Federacion Mexicana de Asociaciones Privadas de Salud y Desarrollo Comunitario) ]

Grameen Bank Support Group / Australia [ ]

Harvard Graduate School of Design, Center for Urban Development Studies [ ]

Humanist Institute for Development Co-operation (HIVOS) [ ]

Hunger Notes [ ]

Institute for Social and Economic Development [ ]

Institute For World Spirituality [ ]

Inter-American Development Bank [ ]

International Association of Investors in the Social Economy (INAISE) [ ]

International Center for Research on Women [ ]

International Labour Organization [ ]

Laubach Literacy [ ]

Microenterprise and Development Certificate in South Africa [ ]

Microfinance Training Program at Naropa University [ ]

Mvula [ ]

Norwegian People’s Aid [ ]

PlaNet Finance [ ]



RESULTS Canada [ ]

Romney Institute of Public Management, Brigham Young University [ ]

Solar Energy Industries Association [ ]

Southern New Hampshire University Microenterprise Development Institute [ ]

Trickle Up Program [ ]

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) [ ]

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) [ ]

United Nations Volunteers [ ]


Virtual Library on Microcredit [ ]

Women’s EDGE [ ]

World Education [ ]

World Savings Banks Institute [ ]